Google gives us many great things, like Webmaster Tools, Analytics, Adsense, Google+, and fluffy puppies. OK, maybe not fluffy puppies. They have also given us the opportunity to use some bad ass fonts. Google font examples, though, are sometimes hard to come by.
There are literally hundreds of Google fonts. Searching through them is a pain if you ask me. Google font examples can be found at the Google font website, but it still doesn’t make it an easy task to choose the one you want.
UPDATE UPDATE: Want the latest on combining fonts? Here’s a new article about it.
Since Google Fonts first launched in 2010 they have made quite a few changes to improve the user experience. We’ve added a video at the end of this post that speaks to some of their most recent changes.
There are several WordPress themes that come with choices of Google fonts already installed and ready to go. Dynamik Website Builder is one such theme that has a boatload of Google fonts. But what you don’t get with Dynamik (or any other premium WordPress theme I’ve seen) is actual Google font examples. Trying each one out is a long and time-consuming process.
I’ve put together Google font examples for all of the fonts that are available through the Dynamik theme builder. They have an awesome variety of fonts. If you can’t find one you like I would have to say you are probably one of those people that spends a half hour deciding what to order from a menu and then changes their mind each time someone else orders.
Google Font Examples from the Dynamik Genesis Theme Builder
Aclonica Google Font.
Allan Google Font
Allerta Google Font
Allerta Stencil Google Font
Amaranth Google Font
Annie Use Your Telescope Google Font
Anonymous Google Font
Anton Google Font
Architects Daughter Google Font
Arimo Google Font
Arvo Google Font
Astloch Google Font
Bangers Google Font
Bentham Google Font
Bevan Google Font
Bigshot One Google Font
Buda Google Font
Cabin Google Font
Calligraffiti Google Font
Candal Google Font
Cantarell Google Font
Cardo Google Font
Carter One Google Font
Cherry Cream Soda Google Font
Chewy Google Font
Coda Google Font
Coda Caption Google Font
Coming Soon Google Font
Copse Google Font
Corben Google Font
Cousine Google Font
Covered By Your Grace Google Font
Crafty Girls Google Font
Crimson Text Google Font
Crushed Google Font
Cuprum Google Font
Damion Google Font
Dancing Script Google Font
Dawning of a New Day Google Font
Didact Gothic Google Font
Droid Sans Google Font
Droid Sans Mono Google Font
Droid Serif Google Font
EB Garamond Google Font
Expletus Sans Google Font
Fontdiner Swanky Google Font
Francois One Google Font
Geo Google Font
Goudy Bookletter Google Font
Gruppo Google Font
Holtwood One Google Font
Homemade Apple Google Font
IM Fell Double Pica Google Font
IM Fell Double Pica SC Google Font
IM Fell English Google Font
IM Fell English SC Google Font
IM Fell French Canon Google Font
IM Fell French Canon SC Google Font
IM Fell Great Primer Google Font
Inconsolata Google Font
Indie Flower Google Font
Irish Grover Google Font
Josefin Sans Google Font
Judson Google Font
Just Another Hand Google Font
Just Me Again Down Here Google Font
Kenia Google Font
Kranky Google Font
Kreon Google Font
Kristi Google Font
Lato Google Font
League Script Google Font
Lekton Google Font
Lobster Google Font
Luckiest Guy Google Font
Maiden Orange Google Font
Mako Google Font
Meddon Google Font
Medieval Sharp Google Font
Megrim Google Font
Merryweather Google Font
Molengo Google Font
Monofett Google Font
Mountains of Christmas Google Font
Neucha Google Font
Neuton Google Font
News Cycle Google Font
Nobile Google Font
Nova Cut Google Font
Nova Flat Google Font
Nova Mono Google Font
Nova Oval Google Font
Nova Script Google Font
Nova Slim Google Font
Nova Square Google Font
OFL Sorts Mill Goudy TT Google Font
Old Standard TT Google Font
Open Sans Google Font
Open Sans Condensed Google Font
Orbitron Google Font
Oswald Google Font
Over the Rainbow Google Font
Pacifico Google Font
Paytone One Google Font
Permanent Marker Google Font
Philosopher Google Font
Play Google Font
PT San Caption
PT Sans Google Font
PT Sans Narrow Google Font
PT Serif Google Font
PT Serif Caption Google Font
Puritan Google Font
Quattrocento Google Font
Quattrocento Sans Google Font
Radley Google Font
Raleway Google Font
Reenie Beanie Google Font
Rock Salt Google Font
Rokkit Google Font
Schoolbell Google Font
Shanti Google Font
Sigmar One Google Font
Six Caps Google Font
Slackey Google Font
Smythe Google Font
Sniglet Google Font
Special Elite Google Font
Sue Ellen Francisco Google Font
Sunshiney Google Font
Swanky and Moo Moo Google Font
Syncopate Google Font
Tangerine Google Font
Terminal Dosis Light Google Font
The Girl Next Door Google Font
Tinos Google Font
Ubuntu Google Font
Ultra Google Font
UnifrakturCook Google Font
UnifrakturMaguntia Google Font
Unkempt Google Font
Vibur Google Font
Volkorn Google Font
VT323 Google Font
Waiting for the Sunrise Google Font
Wallpoet Google Font
Walter Turncoat Google Font
Wow! That was a lot of Google font examples! This should serve as a good reference for choosing the perfect font for your website. These are all fonts used in the CobaltApps Dynamik Website Builder…and many other places.
But for those of you using the Dynamik Website Builder it will now be a heck of a lot easier for you to choose which font is a fit for your site.
I have tried to include all of the Google font examples from the Dynamik Website Builder here. If you find that I have missed one, be sure to let me know. After putting all of these in, adding a couple more shouldn’t be too much of a problem. 🙂
Have you used any of these fonts in your website? Do you have any Google font examples you love and would like me to add? Let me know in the comment section below.
Note: This post was originally published December 28, 2013. We’ve updated it to provide the most current information.